Skin Care
It is the process of transmitting vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes to the middle layer of the skin in a mixture. It is used for skin renewal
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Chemical Peeling
Stain, Wrinkle, acne scars, thickened skin etc. it is the skin peeling process done using fruit acids to eliminate problems.
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Dermapen (Skin Resurfacing)
Skin tightening, fine line and wrinkle treatment, cigarette lines around the mouth, reducing enlarged pores, operation, burn, surgery and acne scar reducti
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Carbon Peeling
Carbon peeling is a unique process with special technology, which can be safely applied in the laser and sunny months. Pore, skin tightening and stain tre
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Oxygen Care
The skin is cleaned with oxygenated gel. With ultrasonic peeling, dead cells are removed. Then, pure oxygen is applied to the skin with a barrier pressure.